
What our Clients say

  • Is it the equipment and latest technology or the team? It’s both! Ask our reception team, ask our nurses, ask our doctors. Our systems are faster, more streamlined and problems we used to have don’t exist anymore.

    Fleur Niven | Practice Manager | Woollahra General Practice
  • One of the senior partners at our clinic who was originally sceptical to changing systems and IT companies summed up our new VMware system in a quote. ‘If VMware was a woman, I would marry her’.

    Dr. Johnathan Stellmach | Partner | Redlands Clinic
  • Highly satisfied with the features VMware offers our practice.

    Dr. Belinda Capon | Partner | Fountain Corner Medical Centre
  • I would not hesitate to recommend CyberSquad IT’s VMware system. We have no downtime in business hours, adding new users is easy and immediate, everyone has access to every printer, remote access from home is easy and secure, all of our software updates are applied consistently and regularly (and remotely) and changing desks or offices is quick and easy for every user.

    Sally Jarrett | Practice Manager | Stirling Central Health Clinic
  • CyberSquad IT’s team are responsive, knowledgeable, experienced, and their customer service is outstanding.

    Marlene Westley | Practice Manager | Stirling Medical Centre
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